Friday, September 26, 2008

Back in action.

Sorry for going MIA for a bit folks, but between the power outtages and going out of town for awhile blogging was the last thing on my mind.

Anyway, I am back and there is so much to talk about. No need to rehash a ton of points that you have probably already read over at some of my fellow SOBers but one thing I wanted to mention was the Dispatch endorsement. I am sure that this has been talked about to death but I wasn't here so I want my 2 cents out there. This is big for Senator Stivers and will very likely make voters stop and take notice. As the election continues to heat up, I am sure this endorsement will be in the back of every voter's mind.

Oh, one other thing, I don't know about the rest of you but Thursday Night College Football is rarely so sweet. Now all we have to do is rock the Big-10 and watch the SEC tear themselves up. Lets go Bucks!

Monday, September 8, 2008


The Stivers campaign has released their second ad, "Pragmatic". See it here.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Stivers camp announces new Press Secretary.

The Stivers campaign is welcoming Rob Nichols, the former Press Secretary for Rep. Deb Pryce, to the Stivers campaign. Check the release here.